Testimonials for Spiritual Forest!

“Andy Becker has created another inspiring book that brings us closer to nature and to the spiritual side of life. Trees are the source of our physical sustenance but also serve as the quintessential Jewish metaphor for Torah in all its aspects.  Read this book a bit at a time and you will be elevated to new levels of holiness.”

–Rabbi J.L. Mirel, author of Stepping Stones to Jewish Spiritual Living

The Spiritual Forest is an inspiring and beautifully written work celebrating the preciousness of the earth and its glories. The vision is supported by a wide array of deep sources, drawn from both Jewish and non-Jewish traditions, along with practical suggestions for how to meaningfully contribute to the wellness and sustainability of our sacred home.” 

–Rabbi Miles Krassen, PlanetaryJudaism.org 

“It is a rare individual that can speak with clarity and insight when it comes to issues that involve the mind and spirit. It is even rarer to be able to communicate these thoughts in writing. In The Spiritual Forest, Andy Becker brilliantly accomplishes this—and the very act of reading it will raise your consciousness.”

 —Howard VanEs, President, Let’s Write Books, Inc.

“Andy Becker and I were high school friends and celebrated the first ever Earth Day together! He clearly still loves the earth and captures writing about why we need to take care of the earth from his Jewish tradition.  ‘The actions we take to cultivate and guard trees are a service, not just to nature, but to humanity and creation.’ I love how Andy writes from that remarkable notion and loved reading this book. Really nicely done and fun to read!” 

Geoffrey L Haskett, President, National Wildlife Refuge Association; Former United States Fish and Wildlife Service Alaska Regional Director; Former United States Polar Bear Commissioner; Former United States Chief of the National Wildlife Refuge System

“Andy Becker has done it again! This author has a habit of writing books that are spiritual, informative, and absolutely amazing.  This time, it’sThe Spiritual Forest and just as I was thinking, ‘That’s enough spiritual reading for the day,’ Becker comes out with the astonishing idea that Adam may have been the first Forest Ranger.  That’s what he says!! This slender volume is a joyous hymn to the precious gift that trees are to the planet – but for myself, I have a picture in my mind of Adam in the Garden of Eden wearing his Smoky Bear hat and nothing else. You’ve got to read this book.”

–Dorothy Wilhelm, Columnist, Broadcaster, Bestselling Author

“It is a truly enriching experience to read Andy Becker’s recent book, The Spiritual Forest. It provides a biblical basis for our responsibility to care for, nurture, and sustain our beautiful planet.”

–Graeme P. Berlyn, Ph.D, H. Harriman Professor of Anatomy & Ecophysiology of Trees, Yale School of the Environment

“A book such as The Spiritual Forest can be many things: a spiritual guide, thoughtful prose, enlightening, encouragement, a call to arms, (or shovels) but one thing it should never be is read quickly. This journey of reflection should be savored, like a feast that has been grown in one’s private garden, harvested by hand and prepared for friends. Throughout the well-crafted pages, it offers the reader an opportunity to ponder, provides resources for action and most importantly, presents the need to look at our involvement and relationship with mother earth, the tree of life, from a different vantage point. Beautiful in its simplicity, each chapter melds the wisdom of the sages throughout time to one sole purpose, man’s responsibility to protect nature and to teach the next generations to do the same. 

“‘Just as others planted for me, I plant for future generations’ – Talmud

“Exceptional and inspiring.”

–Denise Frisino, Author/Speaker

“As a man who has covered eight bare acres with a wide variety of trees over 50 years, and prefers to spend his Sunday mornings walking among them in my home-grown church, Andy Becker’s ‘The Spiritual Forest’ is the perfect biblical companion.

It is a book to be read and absorbed slowly, perhaps sitting under a different leafy tree with each visit, contemplating the thoughts of Adam, the original park ranger, or Abraham, optimistically planting a tree in the desert.

Each chapter brings more insight; personal change starts from within; our needed sustainability in a polluted world;  the many blessings of fruit trees; the need to hold ourselves accountable in all situations; the utter joy in planting a tree and being able to sit quietly in its shadow in peace and happiness.”

Bob Hill, retired book author, columnist and feature writer with the Louisville Courier-Journal. He and his wife Janet live in a 1860s farmhouse in Southern Indiana among eight acres of their trees.

“This compact and wonderfully-illustrated book brings readers a fresh perspective on why humans value and protect the arboreal world through the lens of rigorous religious scholarship and references, but with a light
touch, evoking a nod of familiarity and conviction on every page. As a forest scientist who seeks ways to heighten the appreciation and conservation of trees, I will share this book near and far—to people of all experiences and faiths.”

–Nalini M. Nadkarni, Professor, School of Biological Sciences, University of Utah